Jim Dunlop MC404 CAE 娃娃踏板效果器

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商品網址如下:Jim Dunlop MC404 CAE 娃娃踏板效果器

商品網址: https://tw.partner.buy.yahoo.com:443/gd/buy?mcode=MV9JdkFPeUl3WHc0S0ZBT3JMNW1lRXBXL0xkRjUwdDBLVnpiME5VaVNBaG1VPQ==&url=https://tw.buy.yahoo.com/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=2539127


  • 高品質聲音效果

  • 雙功能


Bob Bradshaw of Custom Audio Electronics designed the MXR MC-404 CAE Crybaby Dual Inductor Wah Pedal with the Crybaby design team to create a highly versatile wah-wah with top-grade components. The MC404 CAE Crybaby features dual Fasel inductors with 2 distinct voices (high-end emphasis or low-to-mid resonance), and a built-in MXR MC-401 Boost/LineDriver that adds even more flexibility.

Choose between inductors and turn the boost on or off with the side-mounted kickswitches. Bright LEDs on each side of the wah indicate operation status. The MC404 Crybaby wah boasts true hardwire bypass, a long-life CTS potentiometer, and internal pots for the Q control—which varies the intensity of the wah effect—and gain adjustments. You get the high performance and quality that you expect from Dunlop, the world leader in wah-wah technology.

Bob Bradshaw has been one of the world’s foremost designers of custom guitar pedalboards and effects systems for many of rock’s most influential guitarists for 3 decades. And for just as long, MXR and Crybaby have been synonymous with the effects pedal innovations that have shaped the tone of modern electric guitar playing. So it was only natural for them all to join forces to create a dynamic line of pedals offering the ultimate in tone, functionality and road-worthy dependability. Since 1980, CAE’s groundbreaking pedal designs were made in limited quantities only for a select clientele of world-class guitarists. But now these very same devices and circuits are available to all.


Select between a Yellow or Red Fasel Inductor for two distinct tones
Features a custom designed CTS extended life low noise potentiometer
User selectable gain output stage with kick switch and LED indicator
Designed with low noise class ’A’ operational amplifiers
Bright LEDs indicate effect status, inductor mode, and boost on or off mode
True bypass
For power, insert a 9-volt battery, plug in an ECB-003 power adapter, or plug into a Dunlop DC Brick multi-power supply 9-volt output

Jim Dunlop MC404 CAE 娃娃踏板效果器

商品網址: https://tw.partner.buy.yahoo.com:443/gd/buy?mcode=MV9JdkFPeUl3WHc0S0ZBT3JMNW1lRXBXL0xkRjUwdDBLVnpiME5VaVNBaG1VPQ==&url=https://tw.buy.yahoo.com/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=2539127

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